Sunday, December 9, 2012


Okay, so I said I was back so I'm going to carve out some time at least once a week to post a new blog.  So here's what's been happening since 2009:

I sold my business, Beacon Surveying & Engineering, to Stephen J. Christian & Associates here in Indianapolis.  We took our entire company with us.  Since they didn't have a surveying department previously, we're pretty much doing what we were doing before - just for a new employer.  It tends to get me home earlier at night and I don't have to worry about bank statements, invoices, etc.  I enjoyed our run with Beacon but this has been a good change for me.

My wife continues to work as a project manager for a publishing company and has been rising through the ranks.  We both realize we're very blessed to have had her stay home during the time our kids were young but it certainly took a bite out of her career.  Still, neither of us would have traded that time.

I think the last you saw of my oldest son, Kyle, on here was a high school graduation picture. has been a few years as he will be graduating from Ball State University in May with a degree in Risk Management and Insurance.  He's currently interviewing for a full time position after graduation.

My younger son, Brad, is now a freshman at the University of Indianapolis (known by most around here as UIndy).  He's just finishing up his first semester in pre-athletic training and is hoping to get into the athletic training program for next semester.  The program takes 16 students - they started with around 55 and I believe he said 36 applied for admission.  Very proud of how hard he's worked and has taken responsibility of his studies.

And finally, the little princess, Libby.  She's a junior in high school and still dancing.  She's in her third year on the varsity dance team at the high school.  They've been very successful - having won a couple of national championships.  Libby was sixth at nationals with her solo last year.  We've started doing our college shopping with her.  She just took the SAT exam last Saturday and has Bowling Green State University in Ohio at the top of her last currently.

So there you go...two years of updates in about five paragraphs.  Until next time...take care!