Monday, October 13, 2008

Embrace The Pace

I had the good fortune of spending a weekend away with my wife a few weeks ago so we decided to head to Nappanee, Indiana and stay at a bed and breakfast. Nappanee has a large concentration of both Amish and Mennonites - thus the town slogan of "Embrace the Pace".

When we made the reservations at the B&B, the inn owner asked if we would be interested in attending a dinner hosted by an Amish couple. She noted that she had set this up for others who were staying at the inn and always ones to try new experiences and learn of other cultures, we very quickly said yes.

We arrived at the house at about 5:15 and met the owners, Mose and Etta. Mose took us on a buggy ride down the county road in front of their house. I was lucky enough to sit up front with Mose. Having grown up in a rural area myself, I was able to have a conversation with Mose about farming, raising livestock, etc.

Once we got back from the buggy ride, we were welcomed into what I can best describe as a pole barn with a poured concrete floor. In the corner was a kitchen where Etta was preparing a very large meal. She had fixed chicken, ham, potatoes, vegetables, bread and way more food than any of us could have eaten in two meals. Not to discredit my mother or my wife, but this may have been the best homemade meal I've ever had. Then she brought out the two desserts and the three pies.

After the meal was over, Mose asked if we had any questions about the Amish and their beliefs and traditions. Mose and Etta answered every single question we had and probably would have stayed longer if my wife and I (and the other guests) hadn't felt like we were keeping them from other things they needed to be doing with their family.

I certainly came away from our dinner with Mose and Etta having a different idea of the Amish faith and, more importantly, the reasons for these beliefs. I have to wonder sometimes if they might not have a more fulfilled life being out of the "rat race" that the rest of us English people (as the Amish call us) have become accustomed to.

I know that the next time I feel that my life is getting a little crazy running kids around, working and being involved so much, I'm going to take a deep breath and think back to my evening with Mose and Etta and "Embrace the Pace".

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