Thursday, March 13, 2008


Okay, so does anybody else get frustrated by needing user id's and passwords for everything anymore? I know that it's a security issue so people can't access my online bank accounts and such but why does there have to be different rules on every website for the creation of my password?

I've tried to use the same password as much as possible but some sites will only let you use letters, some require letters and numbers and yet others want you to use a special character like a question mark or exclamation point.

Now I've had to resort to creating a spreadsheet showing sites I've registered for, userid and password.

Not to worry, though. If I forget my password I only need to know my mother's maiden name, the town I was born in and my first pet's name.

Now if I can only remember my user id and which e-mail address I used when I registered.........

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