Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Celebrity Reality TV Shows

I've never been one to be awed by celebrities. Apparently I'm in the minority with all the celebrity reality shows on TV now. The latest to hit the tube are Denise Richards and Lindsay Lohan. I couldn't care less.

Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey were divorced before I knew about their show, Newlyweds.

I've never watched Scott Baio nor do I care what age he's turning.

I never watched Anna Nicole Smith or any of her drug induced shenanigans.

I never watched Ozzy Osbourne or any of his drug induced sheningans.

Hulk Hogan's show was as fake as wrestling itself.

I didn't live the simple life with Paris and Nicole.

I didn't go to college with Tommy Lee.

Hey Paula, your show was off the air before I even knew it existed.

Never seen Gene Simmons family jewels (but I understand that lots of women have).

I just don't get it. What's the fascination with these has-been celebrities who are trying to revive their careers?

Maybe somebody can fill me in on why people watch these shows. Until then..........

Peace out,

Rev Run

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