Friday, May 30, 2008

Blogging in the Comics

One of my favorite comic strips to read is Zits. I actually have a Zits daily calendar that I religiously look at every single morning when I come down for breakfast.

For those of you not familiar with this comic strip, it's about a middle-aged set of parents, Connie and Walt, and their 15 year old son, Jeremy. It's appropriate for me at this time because my wife and I have a 16 year old son and can relate to most of what's in the comic.

In one particular comic, the parents and the son are having dinner when Jeremy says, "I have a good idea." Of course the parents look up from their food as Jeremy continues, "If you two would start a blog, you could post all of the long, boring stories you would ordinarily tell at dinner. Then I could read them on my own time and we could eat dinner in peace."

Shocked, the mother says, "If we're not going to talk, why bother even eating together?" to which the son responds, "There's another good idea!"

If you have a teenage son, try reading Zits for a while. It can be found here:

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