Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What I'm Thankful For

I was reading an article today about investor Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway fame. In this Thanksgiving season, I'm really thankful that I've not lost near as much money in the stock market as he has. Believe it or not, Buffett has lost 13.6 BILLION dollars this year! If I'd lost that much, I'd be owing somebody about 13.599999999 billion dollars.

I'm pretty sure he's not downsizing his turkey for tomorrow - he's still worth $48.1 billion.

Being a big fan of the Oracle of Omaha, I've noticed that he's been buying stocks for the last few weeks so he must think a turnaround in the stock market must be in sight. Of course the Dow, NASDAQ and the S&P are all down nearly 50% for the year. Think about it for a second: If you went to the supermarket and everything was 50% off, wouldn't you be stocking up, too?

Now to what I'm really thankful for: A great family. Outstanding friends. Lessons learned from my parents about the value of hard work. Enjoying coming to work. Knowing that my kids are going to be tremendous adults. The ability to help others in need. Good health.

The list could go on and on. I've truly had a blessed life.

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